Things are looking down

If you’re looking for some positive vibes, please click away. We’ve got some road blocks going on. Not many pictures for this post, but Ben organizing his papers captures our emotions quite well:

1. Battery is on the fritz

We haven’t pin pointed what caused this, but our battery is not working (auxiliary battery that powers our living space, not the car battery). It can handle charging phones, but if we try to use anything else (i.e. turn on the lights, use the sink/water pump) the whole thing goes kaputz.

My opinion is to throw money at the problem and just buy a new one. Ben has an arguably better attitude of taking time to figure out what is wrong and why. If we just put a new battery in the system, what’s to say that whatever is wrong won’t ruin the new battery as well?

In the mean time, we cannot use the fridge, any appliances, charge anything. A very big problem.

2. Alaska isn’t happening

Canada hasn’t lightened up on their policies, even for those who are vaccinated. They have released statements specifically aimed at RVs and leisure travelers, saying you will be denied access. 

We considered qualifying ourselves as “essential travelers” by having proof of employment in Alaska. I passed the assessment to become a UPS package handler in Fairbanks, but we’ve since decided it’s not worth all this lying and hooplah. 

Last effort was looking into the ferry option. With the van, it was looking to be over $3,000 which is just too much. 

We decided Alaska will have to be another time and it’s just not meant to be right now. There is definitely enough to explore in the lower 48 that excites us, but still sad to mourn the loss of our Alaska dreams that we’ve been building up. 

3. Things aren’t arriving

This isn’t too big of a deal since we’ll likely be around this area for a few weeks, but it was enough of a “cherry on top” to bring on the tears for me.

Item #1: AirPods - I left these behind and Jay lovingly mailed them to us using general delivery to a USPS in Kalispell. Turns out, that post office doesn’t do general delivery and promptly sent it right back to Jay.

I was really looking forward to having these so I could watch my YouTube videos without annoying Ben when he’s working. But alas, I will have to wait a bit longer.

Item #2: GPS Device - We ordered a SPOT device to a Cabela’s in Kalispell. We used this type of device before on the Canoe trip. Thinking it will be nice for our parents to know where we are at all times. It was supposed to arrive several days ago but is still in transit.

4. Leak 

As I write this, we have discovered a leak under the sink

Come on universe!!!!


McDonald Creek Hike


Secluded in Montana