The Last Hurrahs

Ben and I sounded the alarms to friends that our time in Atlanta was coming to a close - and boy did we get a response! The last 2 months in ATL were filled with visitors and last minute trips.

Looking back now, it all seems like blur. So I am mostly documenting this for myself to get it all straight!

1. Lauren

9 weeks to go and we started off with Blauren. Atlanta was in full bloom for this lady!

2. Sophie and Kevin

7 weeks left, we took the van for a long weekend to the Georgia coast. Sophie was staying with her boyfriend Kevin so it worked out perfectly.

3. John and Kelly

At 5 weeks left, John and Kelly booked some semi-last minute flights

4. Peter, Lyndsey, Holly, and Kris

4 weeks left, and we met some Ohio folk in North Carolina for an Earth Day hike (vlog coming soon!)

5. Kevin

On my last day of work, Kevin came to town and serenaded us all weekend with the guitar - 2 weeks left!

6. Jaclyn, Jared, Jay, and Andrew

Last but not least, we had the sibling extravaganza! Right as Kevin flew out, Jaclyn and Jared flew in for the week. Jay drove down after his trip to the Smokies and Andrew drove from Wilmington later in the week. It was a full house for sure!

After all that fun, we were left 1 week to pack our lives up into a storage unit. My home for almost 4 years, Ben’s for almost 6. Man was it tough. A lot of tears, but we know the adventures ahead will be worth it!

We made one last stop on the way to Akron - my grandma's farm! This was our first get-together since we’ve been vaccinated, so a very special time. We even got a private concert from Grandma!


We hit the road!