Chillin near Chelan

With an overflowing fridge, we were ready to head back into wilderness! Our general destination was North Cascades National Park. Ben found this area around Chelan, Washington with a few lakes around.

We found a great spot, but as per usual Ben wanted to check all the spots around to make sure we had the best one. I have diagnosed him with a severe case of FOBO - Fear Of a Better Option. 

There was a moment where we almost got stranded. We went downhill on a sandy road, and came upon a very bumpy area. Ben wanted to bail, and just back up, but Betsy is a hefty lady and with rear wheel drive, we started to spin out. Our only option was to go over the huge craters to get to the bottom of the hill, so we could turn around and go back up.

Once at the bottom, we got out and filled the craters with as many rocks as we could find. It was stressful, but we made it out!! That was a relief! 

All to make it back to this spot hahaha. But it’s all about the adventure I guess… right? 

We spent 2 nights here and celebrated our 6 year anniversary on July 13th! We cracked a beer and fished on the lake. Ben 95% caught a bass. It hopped off the hook at the last second, but we got a good look at it, so I’m counting it as a win.


Washington Roadtrip


The Battery is Fixed!