Ben’s Presentation
For the last 4 years, Ben’s PhD has been funded by the DOE NNSA SSGF (Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship) - what a mouth full!
As a fellow, each year he’s invited to their conference. In 2017, I was able to join in Santa Fe! I vlogged it too :)
This year, they decided to do a remote conference. Understandable with the uncertainty these days, but unfortunate because this is the year Ben gets to present his project at length.
Since it’s remote, he was asked to record himself presenting. The Q&A portion will be the only “live” aspect to it.
An interesting challenge to find a place to record this professional talk whilst living in a van. It’s been scorching in Missoula (102 degrees yesterday!), so he had to wait until the sun went down to record with some peace and quiet in the van.
I edited his talk to take out some mistakes, but his mess ups had me in stitches!! So I had to make a blooper reel video too.
You can watch the bloopers here (this video is “unlisted” so it won’t come up on my youtube feed for all to see)
…And if you’re interested in the real presentation, you can watch it here (~20 minutes)