Ribs on the Campfire
For the 4th of July weekend, we wanted to escape the heat and find a nice spot up in the mountains. Ben researched a good area in Idaho, so we headed west from Missoula.
We landed at a spot in the Lolo Pass area and spent a few days there. I vlogged this weekend so stay tuned for some live action content!!
The big event of the weekend was grilling these ribs over the campfire. Ben had a blast and they were delicious!!

We also had fun going for a creek walk. I was loving life sitting down in the pools every so often. It reminded me of being a kid at water works haha.

The stars were amazing. I took some long exposure shots on my phone to try to capture it. Of course it’s a lot better in person, but these turned out pretty cool! I want to take some on the good camera at some point.

We decided to cut the trip short even though we had enough food to last a couple more days. Ben hit a standstill with the battery and needed to Google something. Also the bugs were pretty bad here. This net was my savior!